Stock Market Average Calculator

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If you have bought a share and its price decreases immediately. And now you want to buy a more share to average it's price then this stock average calculator will help you to calculate your share average price.

What is a Stock Average calculator?

It is an online average calculator stock that can help you to calculate the average price of your stocks and shares buying at different prices. It can help you to calculate your potential profit or loss when you sell your stock share. Because stock prices continuously change and you have to buy stock at different prices at every time. 

Why stock & share Average calculator

When the market goes down, you have a belief that it will come up again. So, in that situation, this calculator will help you to calculate the cost that how many shares you have to buy at that point to lower the price to bring down your overall cost per share.  This is called "averaging down," and it can be a great strategy for long-term investors.

How Does share Average Calculator Work?

Imagine you've invested in 20 shares of Reliance at ₹2,000 per share, totaling an investment of ₹40,000. After some time, due to market fluctuations, the share price of Reliance Company drops to ₹1,800 per share. So, at that time this calculator will help you that how many shares you need to buy to lower your share price and get a profit at the end of your investment in this company. 

How to use Stock average calculator

This calculator has very simple and user-friendly interference. So you can calculate your stocks average easily. 

  • First, enter your buying price and the quantity of shares you have bought.
  • Then click on the Calculate button and it will calculate a share average price.
  • If you want to add a new price and quantity then click on the reset button and calculate with new prices.
  • If you want to add more than 2 share prices and quantity then click on “Add New shares” and it will add new share prices and quantity input. 

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